
Immigration Issue


To the Editor:

The Aug. 20 issue of Catholic New York had an article titled: In Ireland, U.S. Cardinals Praise Role of Immigrants. Cardinal Dolan delivered the keynote address, stating, “We in the United States would say, ‘the immigrants are not a problem, the immigrants are a gift.’”  

 The majority of U.S. citizens don’t believe that immigration into the United States is a problem; illegal immigrants are the issue. 

The Cardinal further states that some of the most patriotic and loyal Americans are immigrants because they love their adopted country. “They are more patriotic and loyal than we are.” Who exactly is he referring to? 

He also said that when his great-great grandfather came to America from Ireland “there weren’t these restrictions.” My beloved mother legally emigrated from Ireland to the United States. She had to take and pass a test, have an occupation, have a job lined up, have a legitimate place to reside, and then wait like everyone else to enter into this country.

Daniel Keenan

Staten Island