
Remember Iraqi People


As members of the Dominican Family in the United States and as members of our communities’ justice committees, we feel compelled to comment on the current state of affairs regarding some of the world’s most vulnerable children, women and men: the millions of Iraqis and Syrians displaced by war and internal strife. 

Two recent events called the attention of the Dominican Family: first, the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ communication with the Administration and State Department to defend and advocate for Iraqi and Syrian refugees and IDP’s. Second was the address given by Secretary of State John Kerry on March 17, which named ISIS’s actions genocide. Secretary Kerry’s words give moral weight to Dominicans’ perennial call for increased protection for refugees. 

We Dominicans are grateful for and encouraged by these recent efforts to draw the public’s attention back to the ongoing trauma being faced by this population, for whom Dominicans in the United States hold special concern. Since 1999, the U.S. Dominican Family has been actively engaged with Dominicans in Iraq, supporting them through prayer, advocacy, financial support and delegations. I, Sister Eileen Gannon, O.P., visited the Dominican Family in Iraq in 2001. What remains with me from that visit is the sense among our sisters, brothers and the people that they were forgotten and that no one cared about them. This feeling continues today, as the refugee crisis has spread beyond Iraq. The most recent delegation was sent last January to Iraqi Kurdistan to assure our sisters and brothers who were forced from their convents and homes that we have not forgotten them. 

As we mark the 13th anniversary of the beginning of the Iraq War, we need to remember the people of Iraq, not forget them. We support continued advocacy for a plan to restore peace, security and justice for our Iraqi Dominican sisters and brothers and the millions of Syrian and Iraqi refugees now displaced by war. We hope to encourage others to do the same.

Sister Eileen Gannon, O.P. 

Dominican Sister of Sparkill 

Justice Representative,
Sparkill Community 

Former Dominican Family
UN/NGO Representative 

Sister Didi Madden, O.P.

Dominican Sister of Blauvelt

Promoter of Justice, Dominican Sisters in Committed Collaboration