
Dismayed by Column


I read George Weigel’s “On the Composting of Thee and Me” (CNY, May 23) with dismay. He comes across as smug, self righteous and dismissive. In an epoch when the world’s poorest are suffering the harsh effects of climate change, to dismiss environmentalism as an “ersatz religion” suggests a level of condescending arrogance available only to certain citizens of the wealthiest nations.

Given nearly unanimous forecasts by scientists, these nations may not be inured from the consequences of our collective disregard for the planet for much longer. Nowhere do I see environmentalists undermining the dignity of humans. Rather, they are regularly its front-line defenders. I think Mr. Weigel should read Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment.

The only radical environmentalists today are those who are comfortable with the status quo. Mr. Weigel, like the rest of us, will be compost one day. Dust to dust.

Kevin McIvor
Mount Kisco