
Health Care’s Full Cost


John Woods’ column about ArchCare (CNY, July 6), the prayers that hopefully go answered toward the Republicans bringing forth a new health care plan, is timely and necessary. As one who suffers from chronic illness and receives Medicaid, I have little faith in those who make the laws and are out of touch with the problems of their citizens. I am both an employee and patient at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Harrison. (Yes, I have a mental illness, and be damn with the stigma that comes with the many disorders that are mental illness.)

There are so many that have so little of everything—monetary resources, caring families, quality housing, true friends, proper general health care and even faith. I am very lucky and very scared. Very scared of a relapse, the next trigger, that bad day most people could or would just shrug off, bringing upon the onset of any of my four diagnoses. I am very scared for my fellow patients, my fellow sufferers who barely live a full, quality life and for those we may never know, who are barely surviving the innumerable torments these inflictions bring.

Without quality Medicaid coverage, the stress and pain this would bring upon the individual and the family is immeasurable. How many families can emotionally survive such stress and not fall apart? How many children will suffer directly as their care degrades, or indirectly as marriages may fail, as they see parents’ struggle, fighting battles that cannot be won. There is no cure for mental illness, only management of many of these disorders. How will we/they manage with fewer resources? How many will lose homes? How many will be forced to lower-grade housing? 

The moral and ethical issues here, applying to the great American culture, will affect generations. There is much more I could say. But arrogance rules in our Capital, and our words and prayers will be dust in the wind, falling on the deaf ears of those living a separate world. Having our own country fighting against us is deplorable.

Glenn Slaby

New Rochelle