
‘Forever Alive’


The swift restriction and condemnation of the Tridentine form of the Roman Rite has nothing to do with the use of Latin or fear of disunity. It has everything to do with the suppression of Catholic theology as it developed under the guidance of the Holy Spirit for over 2,000 years. A vocal and influential minority among the clergy has been allowed to attempt to uproot this mighty oak.

There have always been extremists on every side of a theological argument. Often they cross into heresy. It would be a grave error, however, to pretend that extremists are at the core of Tridentine spirituality and are among the majority of its adherents. Why use this premise as an excuse to diminish this worship by false accusations of sowing disunity? These people are most loyal to Jesus and His Church.

It is a mistake to refer to the Tridentine form as the “old Mass” or the “Latin Mass.” The Tridentine is forever alive and as vibrant as and equal to the authentic version of the Novo Ordo form that the Second Vatican Council envisioned. The ancient is forever new. Devotion, reverence, sacrifice, the need for mercy, awe and Christ-centered rather than human-centered worship should be among the hallmarks of every Catholic Mass, no matter which form is used.

Albert T. Marotta
Bloomfield, N.J.