
Bad Timing


I am yet another CNY reader who was deeply disturbed by the announcement in the June 2 edition that Msgr. Joseph LaMorte and Mr. John Cahill have decided to terminate CNY’s publication effective this November. In my opinion, this decision is a grave injustice to not only the 13 CNY employees slated to lose their jobs, but also to the 100,000 CNY readers who rely on this paper to inform us about our faith and Church.

The print version of the CNY provides valuable service to the Church in New York, addressing many pertinent topics, not the least of which are catechesis and evangelization. I find the timing of this decision to be inexplicable as the Church has just embarked on a three-year program of Eucharistic revival as well as the Synodal process. Perhaps Msgr. LaMorte and Mr. Cahill can explain to us how the archdiocesan marketing department intends to communicate the wealth of information from these two initiatives in a “fast-paced new format.” If their intent is to truly reach “as broad an audience as possible” as has been reported, then I propose that the archdiocese continue to provide the print version of CNY to Catholic New Yorkers who do not have digital access as they proceed to develop the digital program for those who prefer that format.

I have noticed that the past two issues of CNY have not noted any comment from Cardinal Dolan about this matter. I implore the cardinal to take every necessary step to ensure that the print version of CNY continues to remain available.

Patricia Sterzen