An image of Our Lady of Suyapa was featured in the entrance procession of the annual Mass honoring the patroness of Honduras Feb. 13 at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. The umbrellas held aloft symbolize the presence of the Holy Spirit among the faithful. The principal celebrant and homilist was Bishop Jose Antonio Canales Motiño of the Diocese of Danlí, Honduras.
Michael Scott
Músicos proporcionan sonidos rítmicos de fe para la congregación. Nuestra Señora de Suyapa es la patrona de Honduras.
Michael Scott
las banderas de Honduras y los Estados Unidos se presentan durante la procesión de entrada.
Michael Scott
El obispo José Antonio Canales Motiño de la Diócesis de Danlí, Honduras, bendice las ofrendas de ofertorio el 13 de febrero durante la misa anual de Nuestra Señora de Suyapa en la Catedral de San Patricio.
Michael Scott
An image of Our Lady of Suyapa was featured in the entrance procession of the annual Mass honoring the patroness of Honduras Feb. 13 at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Umbrellas were held aloft symbolize the presence of the Holy Spirit among the faithful. The principal celebrant and homilist was Bishop Jose Antonio Canales Motiño of the Diocese of Danlí, Honduras.