I’m supposed to be the spiritual father of the family of faith we call the Archdiocese of New York...
And was this “dad” ever proud of his family, as we were at our best last week for Pope Francis!
I only wish you could have been as close to him as I was, to see his face, to watch his eyes and his smile, to hear his expressions of awe and amazement over you, the great people of New York.
“Tell them, please, that I wish I could have met each one of them personally,” he instructed me at the end.
To Al Kelly, who quarterbacked this whole elaborate endeavor, and his assistants, Mary Musca, Ann Bave, Susan Driscoll, Nadine Rote, and Doretta Wright; our own archdiocesan team of Monsignor Mustaciuolo, Eileen Mulcahy, Channon Lucas, Ellen Stafford, Theresa Seidel, Bishop Massa, Father Ernest, Dr. Pascual, Mark Ackermann, Monsignor Ritchie, Monsignor Sullivan, Joe Zwilling, Bettina Alonso, Susan George, Dr. Timothy McNiff, and William Whiston.
Thank you all: You were agents of God’s grace and blessing as you made the visit of Papa Francesco so successful!
Don’t forget, as he repeated over and over: pray for him!