
Sister Mary Christopher Ludden, S.C.


Sister Mary Christopher Ludden, S.C., a home economist who taught at three colleges and in archdiocesan schools, died May 15 at Mary the Queen Convent in Yonkers. She was 90.

She taught home economics and retailing at Hunter College of the City University of New York, 1970-1983, and New York University, 1969-1970. At Hunter she was the department chairman for two years. She also taught at Elizabeth Seton College in Yonkers, 1962-1969.

In elementary and high schools she taught chemistry, biology, general science, mathematics, social studies and home economics.

She taught at Cathedral Preparatory Seminary, 1983-1992, and St. Ignatius Loyola School, 1993-2000, both in Manhattan. She also taught at Elizabeth Seton School in Yonkers, 1943-1945 and 1953-1962; St. Barnabas, 1948-1953, and Visitation, 1946-1947, both in the Bronx; and St. John the Evangelist High School, White Plains, 1947-1948.

In the early 1970s she taught consumer education in Summer in the City, an archdiocesan program in the inner city.

Born in New York City, she entered the Sisters of Charity of New York in 1943 and professed final vows in 1949. She held a bachelor’s degree in home economics and chemistry from Hunter College, and a master’s in home economics and a doctorate in home economics and retailing, both from New York University.

She wrote for the Journal of Home Economics and prepared teacher manuals in the subject. Devoted to the spirituality of Blessed John Henry Newman, she translated a book, “The Spiritual Journey of Newman” from French into English. The author is Cardinal Jean Honoré, retired Archbishop of Tours.

A Funeral Mass was celebrated May 18 at the Chapel of the Immaculate Conception at Mount St. Vincent in the Bronx. Burial took place May 19 at St. Peter’s Cemetery in Troy.

Sister Mary Christopher Ludden, S.C.